Submitted by admin on
What a cold start to our 22 offhand season! Our first match of the year was held on January 1st, and despite the holiday and 29-degree temperatures, we had 10 eager shooters.
Another of Mike Gills 4-H shooters showed up for this match, and over the last year we have had two young ladies that have competed. Kelsey and Haley both have had their fathers attend with them to shoot our challenging targets. Haley's father even joined the club last year to encourage her shooting.
If young ladies can drag their fathers out of bed at 7am on a weekend, there's hardly an excuse for anybody else. Everyone has a .22 rifle. When is the last time you shot yours?
We had five shooters with Ruger 10/22, a Winchester, a Savage, an Anschutz, and a Ballard. The latter is an antique gun controlled by an antique shooter.
If you're a member of the club, check your email for monthly editions of the Stumper Newsletter for scores!
Our next match is Sunday, February 6th, at 8:30am. I hope to see a lot more new faces.